9 points | by todsacerdoti 9 hours ago ago
How can I use the same ed25519 key pair for minisign and age?
You can't. Age is X25519, not Ed25519.
Edit: (Apologies). Thank you!
Even with "ssh-ed25519" [1]?
I looked at a ssh-ed25519 example [2] but i don't see how it can be extracted from the minisign secret key format [3], for example:
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIK0wmN/Cr3JXqmLW7u+g9pTh+wyqDHpSQEIQczXkVx9q gleb@reys.net
untrusted comment: minisign encrypted secret key RWRTY0IyNKMZZ+uqJdb8VtvSTo9EwylBlcsnitMtEyQzVLq/7tUAAAACAAAAAAAAAEAAAAAANLUi4xncsLbGKL+8y/n692Imrb9iURwzfnVfRqxqU5kAnVVrs98xMBqtIOiS63HZ3BQIGU6jpBWbX3ELCALfL/Le6UL3DunYfWqNPvhAKhlY4gQEjMzrL6ytxTFCXLGJpBSZHkK3DIQ=
[2] https://www.unixtutorial.org/how-to-generate-ed25519-ssh-key...
[3] https://jedisct1.github.io/minisign/#secret-key-format
How can I use the same ed25519 key pair for minisign and age?
You can't. Age is X25519, not Ed25519.
Edit: (Apologies). Thank you!
Even with "ssh-ed25519" [1]?
I looked at a ssh-ed25519 example [2] but i don't see how it can be extracted from the minisign secret key format [3], for example:
minisign secret key format: [1] https://github.com/FiloSottile/age#user-content-ssh-keys[2] https://www.unixtutorial.org/how-to-generate-ed25519-ssh-key...
[3] https://jedisct1.github.io/minisign/#secret-key-format