Curious how the "NextTrace has been used for [number] times" banner works. Does it fire off a request to their site everytime it's used? (and if so, is it an over reaction to personally find that a little strange for a small-ish cli tool?)
I understand your concern and have consulted with the author.
When using the Nextrace API for IP geolocation, Nextrace performs Proof-of-Work (PoW) authentication first. Therefore, the website counts only these authentication requests.
Consequently, the statistics do not include requests using other IP APIs.
Curious how the "NextTrace has been used for [number] times" banner works. Does it fire off a request to their site everytime it's used? (and if so, is it an over reaction to personally find that a little strange for a small-ish cli tool?)
I understand your concern and have consulted with the author.
When using the Nextrace API for IP geolocation, Nextrace performs Proof-of-Work (PoW) authentication first. Therefore, the website counts only these authentication requests.
Consequently, the statistics do not include requests using other IP APIs.
I see nothing at all when I go to the page at
Am I missing something?
Worked yesterday.
Well, it was down when I looked at it. It does seem to be back up now.
Which leads me to the next question — how is this any different/better than `mtr`? I’m not seeing any benefit here, but maybe I’m missing something?
nexttrace provide the geolocation information of IP in the output.
BTW, the author also enhance the nali project (nali-nt) to add geolocation information to mtr output.
mtr -n4 | ./nali-nt_linux_amd64
Last time I looked at `mtr`, I believe that geolocation was already available.
JavaScript required just to read a page describing a CLI tool? I'll pass.
Site not loading at all, ` net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS` in DevTools console.
This seems to be a Chrome app, since I can't get it to work on Firefox
I tried it in Chromium and it didn't work either. It did remind me to blat Chromium from my computer though, so thanks! :D